PA Central Gives: #PayItForward

PA Central recently did a number of #PayItForward drives to support our community. Here are some of the highlights: In November & December 2020, PA Central Staff and Members donated over 300 pairs of socks and slippers to the Salvation Army Harrisburg Capital City region and 113 pairs of socks and slippers, nine hats, and […]

The BING! – 8/20/20

Sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big difference when it comes to confidence in a financial institution. Take PA Central’s free CardGuard App for example. After I leave the checkout line at Giant, I get that familiar vibration and bing on my phone. And I have this feeling of well-being, because my […]

Getting Outside During COVID-19 – 4/30/20

My wife and I knew it was time to try something else when there was nothing left to binge watch on Netflix, and Alexa said, “What do you want, now? I’m busy.”

We needed to get outside, but we also needed to stay safe in the midst of COVID-19.