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ACH Payment Form
If you’d like to have your loan payment debited from an account at another financial institution, please complete our ACH Form. This will guarantee your payments will be electronically debited on time each month. Please refer to your loan contract for your payment amount and due date.
Balance Transfer Request Form
A balance transfer is an excellent way to refinance existing high interest credit card debt to our low interest 9.90% APR or 12.49% APR uChoose Rewards VISA card. Apply here.
Checking Account / Debit Card Application
PA Central’s HD Checking and HD+ Checking earn you dividends in your checking account each month you qualify! That means the money in your checking account earns money every day.
Use this form to apply for our Checking Account and/or Debit Card. Apply Here.
To Apply for a Joint Checking Account and/or Debit Card, Click Here.
Change of Address Form
Download and complete the form and return to any of our Branch offices OR sign in to your Virtual Branch on your desktop, click the settings icon in the top right
and choose personal information. This option is not available in the PA Central Mobile App.
Credit Line Increase Request Form
Apply for more credit to cover expected (and unexpected) expenses or whatever your heart desires. Transfer high balance department store cards or banks cards and save $$$ on interest paid. Apply here.
Loan Payment Coupon Sheet
If you prefer to pay your loan by check, please include your loan number and loan suffix in the memo area of your check or download and include a completed Loan Payment Coupon with your check.
Mail to: PA Central FCU, 959 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17111
Provide Proof of Insurance (Home Equity & Auto)
Please have your insurance company mail or fax us a copy of your insurance policy with PA Central FCU listed as the lien holder, to our East Park Drive office. (ID Cards ARE NOT accepted.) Insurance deductibles may not exceed $1000.00 each.
Email pacentralfcu@myloaninsurance.com Only emails with file attachments in PDF, PNG, TIF or JPG formats are accepted.
Upload https://www.MyLoanInsurance.com/pacentralfcu
Phone 877-539-8811 (24 Hour Automated Service)
Membership Application (INDIVIDUAL or JOINT)
Are you eligible for Membership?
Do you work, live, worship, attend school or conduct business in Dauphin, Cumberland or Lebanon Counties or are you related to a Member?
If YES, you are eligible. Apply Here.
Enroll in Virtual Branch Online Banking
Learn how to enroll in Virtual Branch Online Banking. Visit our Virtual Branch Page.
Wiring Instructions