PA Central CardGuard App

Sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big difference when it comes to confidence in a financial institution. Take PA Central’s free CardGuard App for example. After I leave the checkout line at Giant, I get that familiar vibration and bing on my phone. And I have this feeling of well-being, because my CardGuard App is telling me that I just made a purchase. You might be thinking, “So what? You know you made a purchase.” This is true, but that’s not what the feeling of well being is from. I feel good when I hear that bing because it reminds me that if someone else got a hold of my PA Central Debit Card and used it, I would know right away. Then I could use my CardGuard App to turn my card off, and problem solved. Listen, I love technology when it makes my life easier. CardGuard has my back. I use my free PA Central Mobile App constantly, checking my balance, transferring money, making sure a bill is paid. When it comes down to it, I’m not a fan of all things digital, but useful tools like CardGuard and the PA Central Mobile App are definitely two go to icons on my cell phone. You can download both from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Just search PA Central.