Vacation Skip-A-Pay is available for eligible loans from June through August.

Holiday Skip-A-Pay is available for eligible loans from November through January.

>>> IMPORTANT! <<< The steps to pay Skip-A-Pay $35 fee through E-ZPAY have CHANGED. Carefully review the steps below to proceed.

E-ZPay payment screen image

You will need the following information to submit the Skip-A-Pay Fee:

  • Your 5-Digit Member Account Number**
  • Loan holders date of birth
    ** If you do not know your 5-Digit Member Account Number, contact us (Monday through Saturday during business hours) and we will assist you
  • Debit Card or ACH Payment information

Once you are logged into the NEW E-ZPAY payment portal, use the drop down screen, choose Primary SAVINGS (do not choose your Loan here or your fee will be applied incorrectly), follow the steps on the E-ZPAY payment screen to make $35.00 Skip-A-Payment (see example below). Remember the 4-digit PIN you created so you can re-access the E-ZPAY portal in the future.