PA Central FCU was the corporate sponsor for Breakthrough T1D Family event at Shank Park on June 9, 2024. Two hundred plus people impacted by Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) were able to connect, enjoy a fun day and play games and learn about vital Breakthrough T1D resources.
While we await a cure, people with T1D must have tools, therapies, and interventions to keep them healthy. To achieve this, Breakthrough T1D’s Improving Lives Portfolio is focused on two areas: drugs and devices for glucose control, and improving quality of life. Breakthrough T1D’s ultimate goal is to find a cure for type one diabetes. They have identified a clear research portfolio focused on three areas that show the most promise in leading to those cures: Cell therapies, disease modifying therapies, and screening.
Learn more about Breakthrough T1D by visiting: Western & Central Pennsylvania Breakthrough T1D Diabetes Chapter Support